Exercise and gym facilities

Do not let a vacation get in the way of your well-being. At Hotel Skansen, you have everything you need for a varied workout in beautiful surroundings. Guests have free access to our well-equipped indoor and outdoor gyms. During the weekends you can participate in group activities led by a fitness instructor. Or maybe you would rather book time with a personal trainer.

A daily dose of exercise

Exercise at our gym, both indoors and outside

All hotel guests have free access to our well-equipped gym, which is packed with high-quality cardio and strength equipment. Visitors who are not staying at the hotel can purchase a gym card to use our facilities. The gym is next to the spa within the winter garden.

We also have an outdoor gym on Skansen Beach, the perfect spot for a warm-up, cool-down, or an amazing run along the water. Everyone is welcome to the outdoor gym, and it doesn’t cost anything to use. The more, the merrier, we say.


An easy workout for the whole body

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Try exercising outdoors at our new nice outdoor gym! In the film, our PT Lii Schacht shows a simple workout with exercises for the whole body.

Activity classes

Activity sessions
16.00 Yoga
10.00 Yoga
16.00 Hathayoga
10.00 Yinyoga


free entry for hotel guests

Gym hours

All days from 6.00–24.00

Monday–Thursday 06.00–24.00
Friday–Sunday 06.00–15.00

Tip for runners

Start on the gravelled path below the hotel. Take left and you’ll be running along the sea, past Norrviken and on to Kattvik, for a 12 km trip in total.

Or take right and go through Båstad harbor via the seafront, through Malenskogen, along Stensån and across the Riviera Bridge. If you’re looking to lengthen your route, you can continue along the beach towards Skummeslöv. Otherwise, follow the river around the other side and back home again, for a 6 km trip in total.

personal trainer

Book a personal trainer

Our personal coaches will not only help you set positive workout goals, they’ll help you reach them. With an individual and personal training schedule, you get professional advice to help guide your workout, so you maximize results and avoid injuries. Our trainers are also experts when it comes to creating an exercise regimen and figuring out the right diet to further strengthen your health. Price for personal training is 695 SEK/hour.

When you purchase a 6- or 12-month training pass at our gym, it includes a introduction of the gym and machines.

Book your personal training at the spa reception area. You can also make an appointment by phone at
+46 (0)431-55 82 00 or by email at spa@hotelskansen.se


Prices for gym & training facilities

Hotel guests have free access to our gym facilities and to our weekend workout sessions.
Personal trainer 695 SEK / hour (book at the spa reception area).

Sign up for our full-year or six-month pass. The pass includes a introduction of the gym and machines and access to weekend workouts (depending on availability).

Gym, Spa & Cold Bath House 1-year pass: 4,950 SEK (pensioners receive a 20% discount)
Gym, Spa & Cold Bath House 6-month pass: 3,100 SEK * (pensioners receive a 20% discount)

Gym & Spa 1 month pass: 950 SEK
Gym & Spa 3 month pass: 2,250 SEK
Gym & Spa 10x entry card: 2,200 SEK

Gym single entry: 220 SEK
Gym 10x entry card: 1,750 SEK

Personal trainer PT single session: 695 SEK
Personal trainer PT 5 sessions: 2,900 SEK
Personal trainer PT 10 sessions: 5,500 SEK

Duo personal PT single-session: 800 SEK (two individuals per session)

Cold Bath House singly entry, mondat – thursday: 130 SEK. Friday – sunday 175 SEK
Cold Bath House 10x entry card: 1095 SEK

Class descriptions

Descriptions of our activity classes

Stomach-Thighs-Buttocks Fitness — 45 min
A activity that’s great for everyone. After a relatively simple warm-up, we exercise the lower body using rubber bands and the body’s own resistance. A super-effective workout for the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Yoga — 45–60 min
Here you have the opportunity to try out a fitness regime that emphasizes both mental and physical training. Yoga was created for both bodily and spiritual development by striving to maintain balance between body and mind.

Body Toning — 45 min
We first warm up to music and then press on to strength exercises for the entire body. Ends with cool-down stretching exercises.

Circuit Training — 60 min
Challenging and fun workouts, combining fitness and strength training at various stations.

Core/Relaxation — 45 min
Body-stabilizing exercises taken at a slow and graceful pace, ending with a calm stretch to the sounds of beautiful music.



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