Stomach-Thighs-Buttocks Fitness — 45 min
A activity that’s great for everyone. After a relatively simple warm-up, we exercise the lower body using rubber bands and the body’s own resistance. A super-effective workout for the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.
Yoga — 45–60 min
Here you have the opportunity to try out a fitness regime that emphasizes both mental and physical training. Yoga was created for both bodily and spiritual development by striving to maintain balance between body and mind.
Body Toning — 45 min
We first warm up to music and then press on to strength exercises for the entire body. Ends with cool-down stretching exercises.
Circuit Training — 60 min
Challenging and fun workouts, combining fitness and strength training at various stations.
Core/Relaxation — 45 min
Body-stabilizing exercises taken at a slow and graceful pace, ending with a calm stretch to the sounds of beautiful music.